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Remember to remove outdated content from website

One of the keys to maintaining a modern and up-to-date website is remembering to remove outdated content. Now, I’m not talking about old blogs. Those are post-dated and intended to be archived.

I’m talking about content on your website that is time-sensitive, like event calendars, announcements, coupons, specials.

For example, I was browsing some of our local competition this evening and came across the first of many in my “Really?” series (a spoof/inspiration from one of my favorite SNL features):

Keep website updated and current

It’s pretty understandable to have content that might be a month or so outdated. Time slips by for all of us, especially when we’re busy. However, when you have content that’s over a year overdue, it sends the impression to your customers that you may not be around anymore.

One of the benefits of keeping your website updated is showing your customers that you’re active and ready for their business.

Lesson to learn from our unnamed local competitor: Keep your calendars, special events, announcements, coupons, and specials updated by removing the really outdated stuff.

Your Media Assignment: Schedule 30-45 minutes this week to sit down and ready every word on your website. Log in and make important updates immediately.

What if I can’t log in to my website to make updates? If you can’t log in to your website right now and make content updates, then it’s probably time to talk about getting a new website. We build ALL of our websites on systems that allow you to easily go in and make your own updates (saves you time and money). Contact us today for a free web & media consultation.