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Web Video and the Temple of Search Engine Results

Search engines are prioritizing social media more and more every day. Facebook has its own Hollywood origin story, and Twitter has all the kids twiddling their thumbs even more than they did with simple text messaging.

Facebook and Twitter has its advantages, but, you can’t forget about the other behemoth in the social media game: YouTube. Videos on YouTube can perform extremely well in search results, especially with a descriptive post title and detailed video description. Sure, your pet grooming business won’t find much action with a video titled “Cute Dog Wash,” but the standard SEO practices still apply, especially when targeting regional audiences.

But even with an SEO-friendly YouTube video, how do you get viewers to make the jump over to your own website?

Here are a few tips to try:

YouTube Video Optimization1. Add your company url into the YouTube video description. Simple thing to do, really. Adding a url to the description, as well as a precise explanation of what people will find by clicking on it, is an easy way to connect your web presence.

2. Tease viewers with promos or additional content. Reward people for visiting your site. Advertise additional content, or special coupons and discounts as an incentive for checking out your business.

3. Subtitles are good. Basic editing tools allow you to add titles and subtitles to your video. Do it. Flash your website url a couple of times, or provide more context to the action onscreen.

4. Keep It short and sweet. Frequent YouTube users have very little patience. Focus on clips that are no more than 2 minutes, and make sure the first 15 seconds are attention-grabbing.

5. Interact. Allow comments on your video, link to other relevant material from other users, and interact with users with similar content. Just like with Facebook and Twitter, the more you interact, the more successful you’ll be.

These suggestions only scratch the surface of effective search engine optimization for video. Talk with your web developer about some of the more technical details, especially when thinking about hosting videos on your own site.

Please contact Wilson Media Consulting today for a free video consultation.